
"God sets the lonely in families" - Psalm 68:6

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Leaving the Pity Party....

The past few weeks have been filled with many emotions. As seen in the adoption timeline at the top of our blog, it has been nearly five years since we started our adoption journey. Five years!!! That's a long time to be expecting and waiting. Talk about "What to expect when you're expecting!" We have recently begun to question our adoption path, especially in light of some recent heart breaks as well as changes in our adoption program. Needless to say, we have become extremely frustrated with ongoing challenges and delays. That's why I decided to plan my own party. My pity party.

However, after weeks of prayer, journalling and intense conversations with close friends, family and colleagues, we have decided to leave the pity party and march forward. We have become willing to increase the age of a child at the time of referral (the paperwork which matches a child with their forever family) and have made the required changes in our home study. Our Korea adoption program director believes that our family could receive a referral soon and does not feel that Mike's age is an issue. One of the Korean adoption policies is that neither parent can be older than 45, and Mike is nearing his 44th birthday. Once again, we have no other choice than to release our worries and fears and fully trust God's perfect timing. And that's a great place to be. I prefer to party at God's throne... a much better place than my own pity party!

So, what does this mean for our family? It is very possible that we could be matched with a little girl some time in the next few months. In the meantime, we continue to apply for grants and trust God with the financial requirements needed for a Korean adoption. We still need close to $15,000 in order to accept a referral from Korea. The required fees are $18,040 to Korea and $3,700 for adoption agency costs. We are extremely grateful for the $2,000 grant that we received from Show Hope last fall. We also received some significant donations from friends over the holidays, which deeply encouraged our hearts.

If you feel led to partner with our family in helping to meet these financial needs, contributions can be made through Lifesong for Orphans. We are beginning to feel more and more excitement building in our hearts as we consider the fact that our family may actually be adopting in the near future. We trust God's perfect timing and are amazed at all that He has done in our lives in the last five years. We recognize that His plan for us goes way beyond one adoption. It involves advocating for adoption, foster care and orphan care, supporting adopting families and leading teams to serve orphans overseas. It has been an unbelievable journey. Thank you for standing with us in our amazing adoption adventures! And thank you to those of you who briefly attended the pity party and encouraged our hearts!

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The Vision

God spoke this vision regarding our adoption journey to Barbara Lange on March 26, 2010...


I have made the decision to speak our boldly when God speaks to me. Last night as I was washing the dishes I received this "vision" of you. I hesitate to use the word "vision," but what I saw was a slide of your life. As I watched the show in my mind I began to cry because I was so touched by what I saw. You and I have shared many tears these last couple of years, both sorrow and joy. The attachment is what I saw.


Jenni sitting at the South Coast Community Church reception desk with the photo album of her courtship and engagement to Mike.


Jenni performing the gospel message in mime at New Harvest Community Church, showing her heart for the lost and oppressed. Jenni performing the gospel in mime on missions trips everywhere she is able to go. Her Father rejoicing at her obedience and passion.


The anguished look of a woman desperately wanting to have children. Unsuccessful fertility treatements.


God watching over His daughter, His heart breaking as tears flow down her cheeks. He whispers in her ear, "My child, I know how broken you feel, but I have a great plan and purpose for your life. This anguish, this heartbreak, this pain will subside. Joy is on its' way. I needed you to suffer in this way because of My plan is for you. You are going to be an advocate for international adoptions. You are going to spread my gospel this way.


The births of Jordan and Aidan! At last a MOM!


Having experienced the heartbreak of infertility, Jenni's passion for adoption grows.


Jenni's passion for missions and adoption begin to fuse.


The Ramseys start the adoption process for a daughter.


Jenni goes to Washington DC and connects with adoption leaders. Relationships follow, teamwork begins. Jenni begins a new chapter in her life in the intl. adoption network.


The slow adoption process is agonizing to the Ramseys.


Jenni leads a missions team to El Salvador and learns sad news about El Salvador adoptions and specifically their own plans. Heartbroken again, but resolved to press on.


More networking with intl. adoptions, hope for their daughter and another trip to El Salvador. Jordan goes to El Salvador. The orphans are overwhelmed and ecstatic that Jenni returns. Jenni and Jordan build "forever friendships and family" in El Salvador. Jenni's passion increases.


Jenni prepares for third trip to El Salvador in one year. Amazing things happen.


Mike and Jenni, standing now, older, graying hair, surrounded by their sons and their wives, their daughters and their husbands and their grandchildren. Below them are thousands of children joyously celebrating Jenni's life. Her passion to follow her Father's call and purpose on her life is fulfilled. These thousands of children represent all of the orphans, adoptions and ripple affect of her life's work.

A work that could not be accomplished without the pain, suffering and brokeness she endured trying to become a mom.

Well done, my good and faithful servant."

A Heartwarming Adoption Story.... the Howerton's Miraculous Haitian Adoption Journey

God's Heart for Orphans...

An Incredible Video...

"Cry of The Orphan" - Thoughts on orphan care from some of my greatest heroes!