
"God sets the lonely in families" - Psalm 68:6

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Korea, Land of the Morning Calm

Korea is known by its' people as "The land of the morning calm."  We have been intrigued by the Korean culture this week and have immensely enjoyed every experience.  We have found Koreans to be calm, respectful and generous.  We are amazed by how quiet the volume can be in a crowded subway, bus or airport terminal.   Their tremendous respect for elders and the value placed on honor is reflected in the low crime rate, the quick response of a young person to offer their seat to an elder in the subway and the calm pace of life.

Korea is also filled with contrasts.  The young people dress casually, often with trendy, bright colors and punk hair styles, while the older generation dress conservatively.  We noticed this strong contrast while visiting The Yoido Full Gospel Church, where the young worship leaders wore jeans and t-shirts and the older pastors wore suits.

The landscape in Korea is stunning. The lush, green backdrop and surrounding oceans and rivers compliment the ancient temples and palaces nestled amidst grandiose metropolitan buildings.  We were shocked to learn that in 1971, when the nation was plagued with poverty and military rule, there were very few trees in the countryside.  Koreans were so desperate for fuel that they were forced to cut down most of the trees.

The "overnight success story" of South Korea following The Korean War, with its' rapid development from third world to first world, is a wonder to millions around the world.  However, Loren Cunningam, the founder of Youth With a Missions (YWAM), credits the success of South Korea to the unprecedented growth of the church.  In "The Book That Transforms Nations," Loren shares the incredible account of the churches' direct impact on the culture.

"If you visit South Korea today, you'll find hundreds of thousands filling churches every morning at 5:00 am to pray and read their Bibles for two hours before heading to work.  Weekly all-night prayer meetings and spiritual retreats to fast and pray are common. As a result of all this fervor, believers and churches have multiplied, quickly changing the spiritual landscape.  Biblical influence has permeated every area of Korean society.  Signs of healing are the great strides the nation has made in technology, education and literacy.  Whereas a bicycle was a luxury in 1971, South Koreans are now at the forefront of technology and manufacturing, exporting automobiles and electronics.  In fact, Koreans use the Internet more per capita than any over country.  South Korea's push to get everyone online is part of a bigger picture - a commitment to making sure everyone gets an education.  Ten of the eleven largest megachurches in the world are in Seoul." (page 78)

This is our final blog post from "The Land of the Morning Calm."  We have posted a few of our photos which we believe capture the heart of Korea.  Tomorrow we will pack our bags and return to our "home, sweet home" and our next post will be written from California!

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The Vision

God spoke this vision regarding our adoption journey to Barbara Lange on March 26, 2010...


I have made the decision to speak our boldly when God speaks to me. Last night as I was washing the dishes I received this "vision" of you. I hesitate to use the word "vision," but what I saw was a slide of your life. As I watched the show in my mind I began to cry because I was so touched by what I saw. You and I have shared many tears these last couple of years, both sorrow and joy. The attachment is what I saw.


Jenni sitting at the South Coast Community Church reception desk with the photo album of her courtship and engagement to Mike.


Jenni performing the gospel message in mime at New Harvest Community Church, showing her heart for the lost and oppressed. Jenni performing the gospel in mime on missions trips everywhere she is able to go. Her Father rejoicing at her obedience and passion.


The anguished look of a woman desperately wanting to have children. Unsuccessful fertility treatements.


God watching over His daughter, His heart breaking as tears flow down her cheeks. He whispers in her ear, "My child, I know how broken you feel, but I have a great plan and purpose for your life. This anguish, this heartbreak, this pain will subside. Joy is on its' way. I needed you to suffer in this way because of My plan is for you. You are going to be an advocate for international adoptions. You are going to spread my gospel this way.


The births of Jordan and Aidan! At last a MOM!


Having experienced the heartbreak of infertility, Jenni's passion for adoption grows.


Jenni's passion for missions and adoption begin to fuse.


The Ramseys start the adoption process for a daughter.


Jenni goes to Washington DC and connects with adoption leaders. Relationships follow, teamwork begins. Jenni begins a new chapter in her life in the intl. adoption network.


The slow adoption process is agonizing to the Ramseys.


Jenni leads a missions team to El Salvador and learns sad news about El Salvador adoptions and specifically their own plans. Heartbroken again, but resolved to press on.


More networking with intl. adoptions, hope for their daughter and another trip to El Salvador. Jordan goes to El Salvador. The orphans are overwhelmed and ecstatic that Jenni returns. Jenni and Jordan build "forever friendships and family" in El Salvador. Jenni's passion increases.


Jenni prepares for third trip to El Salvador in one year. Amazing things happen.


Mike and Jenni, standing now, older, graying hair, surrounded by their sons and their wives, their daughters and their husbands and their grandchildren. Below them are thousands of children joyously celebrating Jenni's life. Her passion to follow her Father's call and purpose on her life is fulfilled. These thousands of children represent all of the orphans, adoptions and ripple affect of her life's work.

A work that could not be accomplished without the pain, suffering and brokeness she endured trying to become a mom.

Well done, my good and faithful servant."

A Heartwarming Adoption Story.... the Howerton's Miraculous Haitian Adoption Journey

God's Heart for Orphans...

An Incredible Video...

"Cry of The Orphan" - Thoughts on orphan care from some of my greatest heroes!