
"God sets the lonely in families" - Psalm 68:6

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Our First Day in Seoul

We have arrived!

We had a fairly easy day of travel and were so thankful for the incredible service on Thai Airways.  The boys were able to play games, listen to music and watch free movies on their "private screens."  Needless to say, it really helped the hours to pass!  Mike and the boys wrote letters to Hailey in my adoption journal and each letter was so precious.

We all actually stayed awake until the bus ride into the Seoul (at 3 am our time).  By that time, our eyes were heavy and it was almost impossible to stay awake.

The guest house is a wonderful set up for adopting families.  There are seven rooms available for families on the top floors of the Social Welfare Services offices.  Our apartment has two bedrooms, a small kitchen and living area.  We didn't sleep well last night, but were excited to wake up to our first day in Seoul!  Look what we have in our bedroom...

We spent the day walking throughout the city, where we were captivated by the contrast of old and new.  Seoul is filled with ancient palaces, "hanoks" (traditional Korean homes) and modern skyscrapers.  We learned that Seoul is the fourth largest city in the world and it definitely feels like it.  It is humongous!  Seoul reminds me a little bit of Hawaii, especially since it is hot and humid during this season.  The city is cradled in mountains, surrounded by water and it's extremely lush and green. We are loving it!

Tomorrow we will meet with our social worker here in the Social Welfare Services offices.  She will escort us to Hailey's foster family's home.  We will be bringing gifts to express our gratitude, along with a long list of questions!  I really can't believe that we'll finally meet our long awaited daughter tomorrow.  We'll take custody of Hailey later in the week and are waiting for further details from our social worker.

As I sat on our Thai Airways plane for twelve and a half hours, I was blessed to re-read my adoption journals.  I was overwhelmed as I read the miracles, heart-aches, joys and answers to prayer that we have experienced along this road.  There have been moments of total frustration, confusion and anger.  There have also been unbelievable miracles, truly the evidence of a God who defends orphans and places the lonely in families.  As I re-read the stories, I was reminded again of the incredible support that we have received from family members, friends and even strangers these past five years.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being part of our journey!


The Vision

God spoke this vision regarding our adoption journey to Barbara Lange on March 26, 2010...


I have made the decision to speak our boldly when God speaks to me. Last night as I was washing the dishes I received this "vision" of you. I hesitate to use the word "vision," but what I saw was a slide of your life. As I watched the show in my mind I began to cry because I was so touched by what I saw. You and I have shared many tears these last couple of years, both sorrow and joy. The attachment is what I saw.


Jenni sitting at the South Coast Community Church reception desk with the photo album of her courtship and engagement to Mike.


Jenni performing the gospel message in mime at New Harvest Community Church, showing her heart for the lost and oppressed. Jenni performing the gospel in mime on missions trips everywhere she is able to go. Her Father rejoicing at her obedience and passion.


The anguished look of a woman desperately wanting to have children. Unsuccessful fertility treatements.


God watching over His daughter, His heart breaking as tears flow down her cheeks. He whispers in her ear, "My child, I know how broken you feel, but I have a great plan and purpose for your life. This anguish, this heartbreak, this pain will subside. Joy is on its' way. I needed you to suffer in this way because of My plan is for you. You are going to be an advocate for international adoptions. You are going to spread my gospel this way.


The births of Jordan and Aidan! At last a MOM!


Having experienced the heartbreak of infertility, Jenni's passion for adoption grows.


Jenni's passion for missions and adoption begin to fuse.


The Ramseys start the adoption process for a daughter.


Jenni goes to Washington DC and connects with adoption leaders. Relationships follow, teamwork begins. Jenni begins a new chapter in her life in the intl. adoption network.


The slow adoption process is agonizing to the Ramseys.


Jenni leads a missions team to El Salvador and learns sad news about El Salvador adoptions and specifically their own plans. Heartbroken again, but resolved to press on.


More networking with intl. adoptions, hope for their daughter and another trip to El Salvador. Jordan goes to El Salvador. The orphans are overwhelmed and ecstatic that Jenni returns. Jenni and Jordan build "forever friendships and family" in El Salvador. Jenni's passion increases.


Jenni prepares for third trip to El Salvador in one year. Amazing things happen.


Mike and Jenni, standing now, older, graying hair, surrounded by their sons and their wives, their daughters and their husbands and their grandchildren. Below them are thousands of children joyously celebrating Jenni's life. Her passion to follow her Father's call and purpose on her life is fulfilled. These thousands of children represent all of the orphans, adoptions and ripple affect of her life's work.

A work that could not be accomplished without the pain, suffering and brokeness she endured trying to become a mom.

Well done, my good and faithful servant."

A Heartwarming Adoption Story.... the Howerton's Miraculous Haitian Adoption Journey

God's Heart for Orphans...

An Incredible Video...

"Cry of The Orphan" - Thoughts on orphan care from some of my greatest heroes!