
"God sets the lonely in families" - Psalm 68:6

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Finally Meeting Hailey Jane!

"A father to the fatherless, a defender to the widows, is God in his holy dwelling." - Psalm 68:5

Over the past three years, I have been deeply honored to serve orphans in Guatemala and El Salvador.  I have held abandoned babies, played with fatherless boys and danced the night away with orphaned teenage girls.  I have experienced the heart of God in an indescribable way through orphan ministry.  But today I held an orphaned girl who has been chosen by God and placed into our family.  How can I express the honor, privilege, joy and relief that I experienced?  Here is my attempt...

As we sat anxiously in the Social Welfare Services office waiting to meet our social worker, it finally hit me.  This was real.  After so many heartbreaks and disappointments in the adoption offices in El Salvador, we were actually approved, recognized, welcomed and just minutes away from meeting Hailey.  The thought took my breathe away.

I immensely enjoyed speaking with our social worker, Hyejin, as we drove to the foster family's home.  Hyejin told us that adoption is slowly becoming more accepted in the Korean culture.  She explained that most Koreans at this time are adopting girls, so it is very difficult for girls to be available for international adoption.  Our family is her only current female adoption case.  These words were yet another reminder of God's supernatural hand over our adoption journey.

As we exited our van and approached Hailey's foster family's building, my heart began to pound and I felt like I was in a dream.

Suddenly Hailey appeared in the arms of her foster mom.  And it felt so right.  She was even more beautiful in person than in her photos.  She reminds me so much of Jordan.  She is pensive, cautious, and calculated.  As you watch her curious, probing eyes, you know that one million thoughts are passing through her mind.  Hailey is very shy, and she was a bit overwhelmed by our family, the gifts, sounds, etc.  The foster mom also explained that she missed her nap, and was extra tired.  We knew exactly how she felt!

We were presented with a delicious meal, and Hailey's foster mother insisted on sending it home with us.  We had prepared the boys to honor her gift of food and eat whatever was presented.  They did a great job trying everything and we were so proud of them!  We sat on the floor of her contemporary and simple home talking, laughing, eating and sharing together.  I did my best to express our deep gratitude for her love, care and selfless investment into Hailey's life.  We recognized that we all shared a common faith, and no words were needed to communicate that bond.  We discovered that Hailey's foster family has cared for fifteen children over the past eight years.  They are truly our heroes.

It took a while for Hailey to warm up to us, and she shed many tears (and snuggled for safety in her foster mom's arms many times).  However, as we were preparing to leave, I was finally able to hold her.  She stared into my eyes with intense curiosity and then Aidan started to tickle her arm.  For the first time since our arrival, we heard Hailey's adorable, little laugh and it was priceless.  Way to go, Aidan!  We caught a few of her smiles on film and ended our meeting with laughter and relief.

It was difficult to say good bye, but we knew it was the right thing for all of us.  Hailey needed to rest and we were grateful for such a memorable introduction.  Tomorrow afternoon we will meet with Hailey and her foster mother in the adoption offices, where we will laugh and play together once more.   Our family will officially take guardianship of Hailey on Friday morning.  We plan to stay in our guest house all day Friday to continue to build a sense of safety and trust for Hailey.  The social worker suggested that we visit a park together on Saturday for our first venture out into the city together.  We look forward to every moment that we will share together in Seoul before our flight departs on Sunday afternoon.

Please pray for Hailey as we prepare for this major transition.  We are concerned about Hailey's shyness, especially since she will be encountering so many new faces and situations in the next few weeks. But we have no doubt in our hearts that she is a Ramsey.   In no time she will be smiling at strangers and welcoming daily adventures into her little heart and mind.  Sweet dreams, Hailey Jane!  After laying our eyes on you, I know that our dreams will be sweeter than honey!

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The Vision

God spoke this vision regarding our adoption journey to Barbara Lange on March 26, 2010...


I have made the decision to speak our boldly when God speaks to me. Last night as I was washing the dishes I received this "vision" of you. I hesitate to use the word "vision," but what I saw was a slide of your life. As I watched the show in my mind I began to cry because I was so touched by what I saw. You and I have shared many tears these last couple of years, both sorrow and joy. The attachment is what I saw.


Jenni sitting at the South Coast Community Church reception desk with the photo album of her courtship and engagement to Mike.


Jenni performing the gospel message in mime at New Harvest Community Church, showing her heart for the lost and oppressed. Jenni performing the gospel in mime on missions trips everywhere she is able to go. Her Father rejoicing at her obedience and passion.


The anguished look of a woman desperately wanting to have children. Unsuccessful fertility treatements.


God watching over His daughter, His heart breaking as tears flow down her cheeks. He whispers in her ear, "My child, I know how broken you feel, but I have a great plan and purpose for your life. This anguish, this heartbreak, this pain will subside. Joy is on its' way. I needed you to suffer in this way because of My plan is for you. You are going to be an advocate for international adoptions. You are going to spread my gospel this way.


The births of Jordan and Aidan! At last a MOM!


Having experienced the heartbreak of infertility, Jenni's passion for adoption grows.


Jenni's passion for missions and adoption begin to fuse.


The Ramseys start the adoption process for a daughter.


Jenni goes to Washington DC and connects with adoption leaders. Relationships follow, teamwork begins. Jenni begins a new chapter in her life in the intl. adoption network.


The slow adoption process is agonizing to the Ramseys.


Jenni leads a missions team to El Salvador and learns sad news about El Salvador adoptions and specifically their own plans. Heartbroken again, but resolved to press on.


More networking with intl. adoptions, hope for their daughter and another trip to El Salvador. Jordan goes to El Salvador. The orphans are overwhelmed and ecstatic that Jenni returns. Jenni and Jordan build "forever friendships and family" in El Salvador. Jenni's passion increases.


Jenni prepares for third trip to El Salvador in one year. Amazing things happen.


Mike and Jenni, standing now, older, graying hair, surrounded by their sons and their wives, their daughters and their husbands and their grandchildren. Below them are thousands of children joyously celebrating Jenni's life. Her passion to follow her Father's call and purpose on her life is fulfilled. These thousands of children represent all of the orphans, adoptions and ripple affect of her life's work.

A work that could not be accomplished without the pain, suffering and brokeness she endured trying to become a mom.

Well done, my good and faithful servant."

A Heartwarming Adoption Story.... the Howerton's Miraculous Haitian Adoption Journey

God's Heart for Orphans...

An Incredible Video...

"Cry of The Orphan" - Thoughts on orphan care from some of my greatest heroes!